We want YOU! There is no better way to make the most of your GCBA membership than to GET INVOLVED! How do you get involved? Join a committee! Join GCBA leadership and committee chairs for lunch at the D.R. Horton office on January 28th, and learn ...
GCBA's favorite quarterly event! Bites sips and world class networking! -- OFFICIAL DATE TBD! Stay Tuned!
The GCBA Golf Tournament is back - Stay tuned for official date and details.
Like Speed Dating -- but for business! OFFICIAL DATE TBD, Stay tuned!
GCBA's favorite event! Bites, sips and world class networking! OFFICIAL DATE TBD, stay tuned!
SEBC is the largest industry trade show in the Southeast attracting over 6,000 attendees each year. By participating in this prominent event, you will connect with new customers who are experienced professionals and leaders in the building industry. ...
GCBA's most anticipated and prestigious event of the year. OFFICIAL DATE TBD, Stay tuned!
Back by popular demand! OFFICIAL DATE TBD, Stay tuned!
GCBA's Favorite event an nomination for 2026 leadership. OFFICIAL DATE TBD, Stay tuned!
GCBA's favorite event, holiday edition! OFFICIAL DATE TBD, Stay Tuned!
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